Indoor Navigation App Development

The smartphone has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. This pocket-sized computing device has made the world come closer, allowing people to connect to anyone over the internet at any location of their choice, transact, and entertain themselves. Other than a capable communications device, most modern smartphones come with an inbuilt GPS module. The GPS module can pinpoint the location of the phone with an extremely high degree of accuracy. This module has been used by various companies for various ingenious uses; from hailing taxicabs to measuring the distance travelled by joggers and athletes. There are other common uses, including finding the best navigation routes, receiving traffic pattern updates and using it to find the exact location of the user.

indoor navigation app development
Home /Indoor Navigation App Development

Unfortunately, GPS systems are satellite-based, and hence only work in the outdoors. However, AIS Technolabs has developed a unique and one-of-a-kind indoor navigation solution to map the indoors of various buildings and locations. The system uses state-of-the-art technologies to generate indoor maps for not only buildings, but also subway systems, airports, shopping malls, university campuses, factories, foundries, museums, condominiums and other forms of infrastructure. The system utilizes the power of the smartphone to provide users with an indoor navigation app which can be used like an indoor GPS system.

What is Indoor Mapping Technology?

The indoor positioning system uses an indoor mapping technology utilizing radio waves, electromagnetic fields, VHF audio frequencies and other forms of reverberating information feedback mechanisms to detect the presence of objects, walls, partitions, doors and furniture to create a 2-dimensional representation of the area with a top-down view. The system uses advanced systems such as Mobile Centric Wi-Fi and Network Centric Wi-Fi from Cisco or a Mobile Centric Bluetooth Low Energy beacon to generate the positional information within the building. This information is processed to generate two-dimensional maps within the building.

Since most buildings are not flat, but have a tiered structure, these systems generate multiple maps for each tier of the building. AIS Technolabs creates customized indoor navigation apps which display the internal structure of the building directly on a user’s smartphone.

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What are the benefits of an Indoor Navigation App?

An indoor navigation android app development services can have a plethora of benefits; both from the user point of view as well as the organizational point of view. Such systems are designed for both discovery as well as for rescue and emergency management systems.

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Subway Systems

Indoor navigation apps for subway systems help commuters find the correct path, get to the optimal exit point, while being correlated to the road layout of the surface. Indoor maps help users to find the right connecting station for not only other subway lines, but also for other forms of transportation.

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Shopping Malls

Indoor navigation apps have shown to have a great impact on shopping malls. With the floor space of shopping malls getting bigger and bigger, it becomes difficult for the consumers to find their store of choice easily. An indoor mapping app helps users to not only find their store of choice, but also reach the checkout counters easily; decongesting checkout lines and improving the overall shopping experience, which translates to faster sales and higher footfall.

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To inculcate a calm and peaceful atmosphere, universities are usually spread across a large area, with multiple buildings, kitchens, clubs, playgrounds, parking lots, underground subways, walkways and cycling lanes all interconnected throughout. For most freshmen, it becomes painful to reach from one department to the other. Since smartphones are ubiquitous, an indoor navigation solution is of immense help to both students and faculty members.

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Modern airports are an extremely busy space, with multiple lounges, shopping areas, restrooms, as well as various terminals for both domestic and international flights. In addition, there are locations which house counter-terrorism units, security patrols, immigration counters, as well as taxi booths, car rental services and even hotels. To ensure that passengers can smoothly transit from one location to another, an indoor navigation app is of high importance for such buildings. Furthermore, due to the threat of illicit activities, an indoor navigation system helps emergency and security workers to quickly reach the requisite spot, with minimal interference.

AIS Technolabs provides organizations with superior indoor mapping technologies which not only map the interiors of buildings, but also display the maps in a tailor-made app specifically tuned to the exacting requirements of their esteemed clientele.

Our Indoor Navigation App Development Process

understanding requirements

  • Get in touch with our client to know

  • Understand client’s needs

  • Comprehend the client’s business and its current process

 wireframing and designing

  • Preparing blueprint structure

  • Designing each app screen

  • Start designing the entire app


  • Start testing the app

  • Fixing bugs if found any to make the app smoother

  • Get final review from client’s end

proposing solution

  • Proposing Solution

  • Suggesting the best solution in terms

  • Finalizing the suggested solution

  • Kick starting the project


  • Start developing the app

  • Develop main functions and sections

  • Get it reviewed from the client


  • It’s time to deploy the app to App Store

  • Hand-over to client and deploy to client’s server

  • Finally, the app is ready to use for users

support and maintenance

  • Support Team

  • Maintenance

  • Review

Our Engagement Models

Different Industries We Serve

ecommerce and shopping
eCommerce and Shopping
on demand
health and fitness
Health and Fitness
 education and learning
Education and Learning
real estate
Real Estate
food and drink
Food & Drink

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With smartphones becoming a part and parcel of everyday life, and GPS technologies becoming more and more efficient, an indoor mapping app is the next step in the evolution of location-tracking and convenience.

Want an indoor navigation app? Contact us today!

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