Top 10 Python Skills You Need To Get Hired In 2024

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Python programming language has become famous and extensively used as it is adaptable and user-friendly, and many libraries and frameworks have been developed for it. The requirement for Python developers is expected to skyrocket as data science, machine learning, automation, and web development will become the trend. This? leads to more industries implementing this new technology to their satisfaction.

In this blog, you will learn the skills recruiters or companies check for when they are looking to hire python developers. We will emphasize the techniques and concepts that will equip you with the skills necessary to handle modern and complex problems in the market niche.

Top 10 Skills Required To Become A Python Developer

According to a survey by Statista, Python has become a popular community for programmers, with 44.6% of developers using the language.

In this rapidly developing technology space, Python professionals need to stay ahead by honing their skills and keeping pace with the latest trends and best practices.

Whether you’re new to Python or an experienced developer, acquiring the right skills can boost your job prospects in 2024.

Object Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a fundamental programming concept that Python was built around. While Python supports other styles, such as procedural and functional programming, learning OOP remains essential for any Python developer.

OOP is used to build complex apps through a structured modular approach that applies to real-world software development. The encapsulation of data and behavior into reusable objects allows programmers to develop maintainable, scalable, and extendable code. It is important to note that task management becomes more critical as projects get more complicated.

Employers in 2024 aren’t just looking for syntax experts to hire dedicated Python developers. They need Python developers who can apply OOP like second nature.

Data Structures And Algorithms

Mastering data structures and algorithms is one skill that separates Python developers from the rest. At the most basic level, every program needs a way to store, organize, and manipulate its data. That’s where data structures like lists, dictionaries, and sets come into play. But it’s not just about using them – understanding when and how to leverage each one optimally is key to high-performance code. Simple choices like using a list vs. a dictionary can dramatically affect memory usage and speed, especially as datasets scale up.

Then comes algorithms – the fundamental recipes for solving common problems like sorting, searching, path-finding, and optimizing. Knowing classic approaches such as merge sort, depth-first search, and dynamic programming gives developers a proven toolbox for tackling complex challenges cleanly.

But it goes beyond just memorizing algorithms. Having that mathematical mindset for breaking down problems into logical components is critical. Employers want to hire Python developers who can think algorithmically to devise clever, future-proof solutions.

Web Development With Flask Or Django

In today’s web-driven world, Python developers need a powerful framework to turn their ideas into reality. That’s where Flask and Django come in to build robust web applications and APIs.

On one side, we have Flask – the lightweight and flexible Python framework adored for its simplicity. With an intuitive architecture and vast extensions, Flask empowers developers to build everything from RESTful APIs to blazing-fast dynamic websites.

Then there’s Django, the “batteries included” concept, packed with high-level functionality. This provides all the robust capabilities codebases need as they scale – an ORM for seamless database integration, a built-in admin interface, rock-solid security, and more. For large, complex deployments, Django’s comprehensiveness shines.

Data Analysis And Visualization

Python developers need a powerful framework to turn their ideas into reality in today’s web-driven world. That’s where Flask and Django come in for building robust web apps and APIs.

With Pandas, data manipulation and analysis are easier, as developers will do tasks like data cleaning, merging, and reshaping of datasets. NumPy benefits from efficient memory allocation, allowing for the creation of arrays and matrices with large capacities and dimensions. Together, they offer an unbeatable pair for transforming and analyzing information.

Matplotlib is the library that Python developers use to create publication-ready graphics of the highest quality. Whether you need basic line charts or complicated 3D surfaces, Matplotlib offers tools to work with data and enhance it with visually appealing and insightful graphics.

In 2024, firms from different sectors will give priority to hire dedicated Python developers with excellent skills in statistical analysis and visualization tools.


You can create smart systems that transform industries with Python’s AI/ML tools, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn.

Using neural networks in TensorFlow or PyTorch, developers can make advanced deep-learning apps. On the other hand, Scikit-learn helps with traditional machine learning tasks. These tools enable building recommendation systems, predictive analytics, and models that find insights in data.

It’s not just about using the tools; AI/ML developers need to understand basic concepts like preparing data, improving models, and assessing performance. From training models in the cloud to managing evolving systems, these skills turn Python developers into valuable AI/ML experts.

Automated Testing And Debugging

Python developers can build comprehensive tests that find bugs before they become problems. Automated testing makes sure the code works well, prevents issues when making changes, and acts as living instructions.

By using Python’s debugger or good IDEs like PyCharm, developers can pause the code at specific points, check variables, and fix bugs effectively.

Tools like the logging module help in making detailed logs of app actions. Good logging is crucial for finding and fixing problems quickly in complex setups with many servers.

In the coming years, preference will be given to hire dedicated Python developers who can use Python’s testing framework. The framework includes tools like pytest, unit test, and doctest.

Database Management

Nowadays, data has become the breakthrough point driving innovation and decision-making across every industry.

Python provides robust data querying abilities with libraries like SQLAlchemy, seamlessly integrating with both traditional SQL and new-age NoSQL databases. But database dominance requires going far beyond simply fetching records.

The Python developers understand data performance optimization, query tuning, and data modeling best practices. They can design lean, efficient database architectures that scale to handle immense datasets.

In 2024, as companies increasingly run on data-driven decision engines, they will aggressively pursue Python developers who can work with various databases.

Employers are looking to hire python developers who can integrate diverse database technologies into intelligent data pipelines and warehouses.

Asynchronous Programming

Asynchrony revolutionized the programming world, giving applications a boost in both performance and responsiveness. With the fast-paced development of AI, employers will favor competence in this area, specifically in Python.

Asynchronous programming runs multiple tasks at the same time, providing maximum efficiency. Developers use this approach mainly where input/output (I/O) bound operations are involved (such as network operations, file operations, or database interactions).

Python offers many powerful async tools, such as AsyncIO, Twisted, and Tornado. Developers can create modern, high-performance systems using these tools and Python’s async/await feature.

Employers will prefer to hire Python developers who grasp concepts like event loops, coroutines, and the async way of thinking for hiring.

Containerization And Cloud Computing

Containers are a modern way to bundle and launch apps. They’re popular because they make software work anywhere without any difference. Docker and Kubernetes are top choices, used by developers and DevOps teams to smoothly move apps from development to live use with great flexibility.

Cloud computing has changed how we create and handle apps. Big cloud companies like AWS, Azure, and GCP offer many tools for developers to make apps that can grow easily, stay reliable, and be cost-effective.

Python is great for cloud work because it’s flexible and works well across platforms.

Knowing about cloud tools, understanding cloud setups, and becoming skilled in tech, managed services, and infrastructure as code will be key for Python developers who want to stand out in the job market of 2024.

Collaboration And Version Control

Collaboration is a key aspect of software engineering as most projects are performed by teams of developers working as one unit. The efficient collaboration not only boosts productivity but the sharing of knowledge, quality of coding, and pattern expertise are also enhanced. Through Python`s diverse community, approaches like pair programming, code reviewing, and agile development have been greatly incorporated.

Git, being a widespread source code tracking system, together with the distributed type and capability of collaboration with other developers, plays an important role in the easy code work management process. Working effectively with the Git version control system and its associated workflows, like branching, merging, and resolving conflicts, will be an essential factor for Python developers in 2024.

The knowledge of hosting platforms like GitHub and GitLab, as well as their features associated with issue tracking and project management, will increase the developer’s advantage.

Knowing collaborative development key principles like code documentation, modular design, and unit tests will be critical for smooth integration into the development team.

The employers will hire dedicated Python developers who can effectively translate the technical jargon and are able to work and exchange ideas with other members of the non-technical or business team, as they are part of the overall project development.

Why Choose AIS Technolabs To Hire Dedicated Python Developers?

If you need skilled Python developers for your project, consider a reliable source like AIS Technolabs.
The Reason: We have a large team of Python experts who can work on various projects like web development, data science, automation, and more. Here’s why companies choose AIS Technolabs:
  • Skilled Team: At AIS Technolabs, we have a range of Python developers with different skill levels. They can build teams based on your specific needs.
  • Thorough Selection Process: We carefully select Python developers through technical interviews and tests to ensure high proficiency. We also provide ongoing training to keep developers updated.
  • Effective Collaboration: Working with us means having a dedicated team that works closely with your own staff using modern tools and methods.
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  • Affordable Rates: By accessing our global talent pool, you get top Python skills at competitive prices. You can also adjust your team size as needed.
Timely Delivery: We take pride in managing projects well. Experienced professionals will lead the team to deliver on time, within budget, and with regular updates.
With a vast pool of pre-vetted expertise and a seamless collaborative process, we are truly an ideal partner for any Python project. Don’t go with our saying, trust our clients.

Skilled Team:

At AIS Technolabs, we have a range of Python developers with different skill levels. They can build teams based on your specific needs.

Thorough Selection Process:

We carefully select Python developers through technical interviews and tests to ensure high proficiency. We also provide ongoing training to keep developers updated.

Effective Collaboration:

Working with us means having a dedicated team that works closely with your own staff using modern tools and methods.

Affordable Rates:

By accessing our global talent pool, you get top Python skills at competitive prices. You can also adjust your team size as needed.

Timely Delivery:

We take pride in managing projects well. Experienced professionals will lead the team to deliver on time, within budget, and with regular updates.

With a vast pool of pre-vetted expertise and a seamless collaborative process, we are truly an ideal partner for any Python project. Don’t go with our saying, trust our clients.


The best Python developers are those who constantly improve their skills and keep up with the new trends in technology. This implies that you should use some web frameworks like Flask and Django for strong web apps, data analysis, data mining tools for complex data analysis and exploration of artificial intelligence, and machine learning with tools such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.

It’s not about technical skills. A programmer should know how to work in a team, use version control, and test everything thoroughly to avoid any communication errors. In a time where everyone has connections, the most valued skills by employers include the ability of a programmer to collaborate with other teammates, use code version control systems, and conduct thorough testing of code.


Ans. Hiring Python developers can cost different amounts based on factors like experience, skills needed, location, and work arrangement.

Entry-Level: The graduates or developers with up to 2 years’ experience have a pay range between $50,000 and $80,000 in the USA. In other places, like Eastern Europe or Asia, salaries are low, ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 a year.

Mid-Level: Between 2-6 years, the pay range is $80,000 to $120,000 in the USA. In other places, the salary can be $40,000-$80,000 per year.

Senior Developers: Developers with 6 years of experience and more, along with expertise in machine learning, data science, or web development, have pay ranges from $ 120,000 per year to $ 180,000 per year in the US. Globally, the pay scale ranges from roughly $60,000 to $120,000 per annum.

Ans. There are many platforms that can help you to hire the right and best Python developers.
Some of the platforms are: Professional Networking Platforms, Job Boards and Career Sites, Freelancing Platforms, Employee Referrals, and Recruitment Agencies like AIS Technolabs, among others.

Ans. Python’s popularity is because of the large number of libraries and frameworks it hosts that cover various modules. From data analysis and machine learning to web development and automation, Python’s rich library has become the first choice by programmers and scientists.

Commonly used Python libraries are:

Django, Matplotlib, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Flask, Requests, and Selenium, among others.

Ans: Front-end technology knowledge is not required for all Python developer roles. But it can add value to web applications or projects involving user interfaces. Also, knowing the fundamentals of front-end technologies can help developers enhance their general web development skillset.

Ans. Python developers have access to a wide range of tools and technologies that help them streamline their workflow, enhance productivity, and deliver high-quality solutions.

Here are some of the most commonly used tools in Python development:

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), Version Control Systems (VCS), Virtual Environments, Package Managers, Testing Frameworks, Code Linters and Formatters, Containerization and Virtualization, Cloud Platforms and Services, Data Analysis and Visualization, and Machine Learning and Deep Learning Frameworks.
CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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