5 Tips To Optimize The Android App Development

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5 tips to optimize the android app development

Quick Summary

Android apps are the best, and the most common ways preferred while promoting a company, be it a startup or an established multibillion-dollar company. To get the best services in the same, hire AIS Technolabs, the best android app development company and get to know everything about android application development.


If you plan to start a new business, you might have already thought about building an online presence in this digitalized world. Nowadays, for having a booming business, websites and social media accounts can bever be enough. The demands of the customers have increased and so have the standard of the digitized stores. Thus, the most effective method of promoting your company among your target audience is via its app. Android Applications are becoming more and more important these days. From giving special offers, premium memberships, discounts to every detail about the business, apps of brands have proven to be of great benefit to the users.

That is why, as the owner of a growing brand, you need to hire the best android app development company that can provide you with all the features and necessary details about running your app.

features of android app development

Features of Android App Development

Signup / Login

The first thing a customer will do after installing the android app is create their profile. The first step of signing up and registration must be easy and efficient. All the customer's fundamental details are required here, such as their name, identity, contact information like email ID, social accounts linking, and several other preferences. The customer will make their account with a username and password, with which they will be able to access their account of the specific app from any android device.

The main motive of this step is to make the customer familiar with the working procedure of the app. Also, this step creates the first impression on the customer. If there are any glitches or complications in the first step, the customer will no longer be motivated to move on and explore the app any further. Therefore, simplicity, crispness, and efficiency are needed in the initial step.

User-Friendly interface

Simplicity is the most critical part that should be ensured before building an android app. Bear in mind that the majority of your consumers are able to deal with technological issues. So, you have to keep the app as user-friendly as possible. Along with this, it should be visually appealing and unique. Many apps have the option of chatbots where a customer can ask their queries to a pre-uploaded robot and get all their doubts cleared. A well-experienced android app development agency will help you with various new ideas and help you reach creative ends to make your application stand out in the market.

If your app doesn't have a user-friendly interface, customers will not get as rich an experience as expected. Therefore, make your app user-friendly to get complete customer satisfaction and ensure that they gain the full experience.

24/7 support assistance

You need to let your customer know that you are present for them at every stage. 24/7 support is essential to make your app grow. This will help your customers to clear their queries and additionally, your company will learn about all the problems and grievances of the customers. Customer service is crucial for any business as it allows one on one interaction with the customer. Here you can even gain customer insights and do everything possible to enrich the experience of your customers.

Regular updates and maintenance services

Regular updates and maintenance are the consistent and key components needed during android app development. What is more important than building an app is maintaining it. You must ensure that the application is current and updated on a regular basis. Keep adding new features and exquisite additions to your app. Every brand update should be launched, and the app should be as consistent and user-friendly as feasible.

5 tips to optimize the android app

Tips to optimize the Android App


Coding is the first step of building an app. If you are looking for professionals, who are well equipped with the coding techniques to make your application the best, hire AIS Technolabs, an android application development company and get the best coding experts who are immensely skilled and proficient in this field. This process will form the entire foundation of your app. Android apps require a different function than iOS-based apps. As a result, several factors must be addressed and prepared in advance.

Attention to UX

An android mobile app succeeds based on how many people/users are adopting and receiving its benefits. Special consideration must be paid to the UX design application. Its objective is to create exceptional user experiences through an app that is engaging, user-friendly, and intuitive. UX designs help with easy adoption and familiarity with the app, and an intuitive, user-friendly environment helps keep the users engaged and remain in the app. This way, you'll never lose a user and can provide them with the greatest possible experience.

Use Android size analyzers

An Android size analyzer tool is essential to change the size of the android app. If your app is too big, customers will neglect to download and install it on their devices. A size analyzer can assist in reducing the application's size. An android app development company like AIS Technolabs will help you out with similar techniques and tactics.


Autoboxing is a process in which the Java compiler automatically transforms basic variable types to objects, such as turning "double" to a Double, a "int" to an Integer, and so on. When the process is reversed, i.e., An Integer is converted into "int," and alike, the process is also called unpacking.

With this process, you will be able to interchange 'primitive type' into an 'object type' without writing extra code and performing explicit type casting.

Testing and trials

Lastly, this is the most crucial step before you finally launch your app on the server. A series of trials are conducted to ensure that there are no mistakes in the functioning of the application. Before the final launch, the developers test the app to find the possible glitches. Once found, they rectify it, and the process continues until the app is free of any glitches.

An android app development agency will help you with all these features and make your app stand out from the competition in the market.

why choose ais technolabs for android app development

Why choose AIS Technolabs for Android App Development?

Application development is a complex endeavor, much more so if you have no prior experience. While you might be able to make any basic app with the basic knowledge, AIS Technolabs will provide you with the best android mobile application. The following are some of the reasons to work with AIS Technolabs as your android application development company:

  • Professional Services
  • White label solutions
  • Customized features along with standard app features
  • Extremely affordable pricing
  • Complain-free services

Wrap up

Boost your brand with its customized app made by the best android application development company, i.e., AIS Technolabs. Get maximum features and benefits from our top-graded services. The developers of AIS Technolabs will make your work easy and efficient and help you maximize your experience through their efficient android app development services.
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Harry Walsh

Technical Innovator

Harry Walsh, a dynamic technical innovator with four years of experience, thrives on pushing the boundaries of technology. His passion for innovation drives him to explore new avenues and create pioneering solutions that address complex technical problems with ingenuity and efficiency. Driven by a love for tackling problems and thinking creatively, he always looks for new and innovative answers to challenges.

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