7 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Rust Programming Language

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7 compelling reasons to embrace rust programming language

Quick Summary

Rust is now a widely-known programming language companies use to develop competent applications with enhanced safety and performance. Go through the blog to determine reasons to choose Rust for your subsequent website or app development. Also, learn about some common applications of Rust Programming and why approach AIS Technolabs to Hire Rust Programmers. In this article, we have jotted down seven convincing reasons to incorporate Rust programming language. Also, you can read more about Rust programming, its increasing popularity, and some common applications. So, let’s dive in.

What is Rust Programming, and Why is it Gaining Popularity?

Rust was developed by Graydon Hoare, an ex-Mozilla developer, in 2006 to overcome the limitations of C++ language. It allows coders to write codes faster with a lower memory footprint and manage extensive data without any performance loss. This language is simple to learn if you are familiar with C++ language.

The primary goal of Rust web development is to optimize performance, memory management, and safety. It is highly scalable and perfect for making brilliantly effective applications to fulfill the escalating tech demands in the modern digital landscape. The language features zero-cost abstraction, which means developers can conceal the code’s internal details. Also, they can create programs with superior performance profiles and somewhat less effort.

Rust Language employs an ownership and borrowing system to handle memory efficiently and deter ordinary programming mistakes such as data races and null pointer dereferences. This results in more predictable and consistent performance, especially in real-time and resource-limited settings.

7 Compelling Reasons to Use Rust Programming Language for Your Next Development Assignment

1. Effective Memory Management

Efficient memory management is one of the primary concerns that are plaguing development teams worldwide. The language is designed to avoid usual programming mistakes that will result in dreaded errors and security problems. Rust carefully checks your code before it runs and ensures it is safe and fast.

As mentioned earlier, Rust uses three concepts: Ownership, Borrowing, and lifetimes for smart memory management.

A) Ownership:
In Rust, every variable has one “owner” at any given point. If any owner runs out of scope, the tool quickly deallocates the memory related to that particular variable. It frees up memory when it is no longer required and enables efficient management.

B) Borrowing:
In Rust’s Borrowing mechanism, one can access data without taking its ownership. Instead of passing data or value itself to the function, Rust enables you to pass references to the value. It can be either mutable (in which you can modify the borrowed data) or immutable (for only reading purposes).

C) Lifetimes:
Lifetimes allow the Rust compiler to keep track of references to data and their validity. This prevents the use of dangling references that can result in crashes or undefined behavior.

2. High Performance and Flexibility

Rust is a fast and flexible programming language designed to build high-performance applications, from system programming to web development. With it, one can write low-level to high-level application codes swiftly and without using too much memory.

As a novice programmer, you may run into errors that demand ample time to fix them. Rust’s error messaging feature can be helpful to debug faster as it explains what you need to improve and where.

3. Rising Rust Community and Tooling

Rust is an emerging programming language with an expanding ecosystem of libraries and tools (like Cargo to simplify dependency management). Users can use them to produce a broad assortment of applications.

Rust’s rising yet supportive community includes many trained and experienced developers who are always ready to share their knowledge and help you excel in Rust Web Development. Even they curate high-quality tools to ensure a seamless development experience.

You can access the discussion forum and check the Rust subreddit and LinkedIn groups for further discussions and to learn this language well.

4. Interoperability with Other Programming Languages

Rust’s interoperability capabilities provide a robust foundation for integrating Rust code into projects with other programming languages. For example, Rust and C codes can be altogether used in a project, so users can leverage the safety and performance benefits of Rust while working in a mixed-language environment.

5. Cross-Platform Compatibility

Rust allows you to build cross-platform solutions that will be compatible with various operating systems like Linux, macOS, Windows, etc. You need to write code once, and you can run it on different operating systems without major modifications.

You can use Rust’s Cargo tool to manage dependencies and build projects for different platforms. The tool automatically downloads and assembles the necessary libraries for the target platform, ensuring the code and its dependencies are compatible.

6. Expressive and Readable Syntax

Rust features modern programming facets like type inference, pattern matching, explicit mutability, method chaining, and functional programming concepts. This altogether makes the language pleasant to work with and lessens the cognitive load of writing intricate code. Rust is a carefully crafted language with expressive and readable syntax, aiming to minimize common programming errors.

7. Industry Adoption at a Big Level

The percentage of people embracing Rust Programming Language is increasing at a higher pace. Many big brands like Mozilla, Microsoft, Amazon, and Dropbox are using it for different purposes. Its unique functionality and features have made it prevalent among organizations from all around the globe.

However, you should remember that new updates are introduced by leaps and bounds. It is vital to Hire a Rust Programmer to actualize your vision of acquiring a well-performing application.

Common Applications of Rust Programming

Several companies utilize this open-source programming language to produce a large range of new applications, that includes:

  • Gaming and website applications
  • Networking applications (such as servers, proxies, and networked services)
  • Operating systems
  • Embedded systems (generally used for IoT devices, robotics, and firmware development)
  • Security-critical applications
  • System Programming
  • Compilers and language-related tools
  • Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
  • Scientific and research analysis

Here’s a list of companies that use Rust

A file-storage system of Dropbox is partially created with Rust programming. Since its file syncing engine is immensely concurrent, Rust’s static types and compile-time checks offer added advantages (to manage complex and concurrent codebases effectively) compared to dynamically typed languages, like Python.

Figma is a comprehensive web-based design tool primarily used for vector graphics and interface prototyping. The company’s developers decided to rewrite their multiplayer syncing engine from TypeScript to Rust to enhance performance because their server couldn’t sustain user growth.

Facebook’s source control backend was initially written in Python Language, but they rewritten it using Rust. As the firm was looking for any compiled language, they found Rust a more appealing option because of its security attributes.

Cloudflare founded Rust as a strong option for core edge logic and replaced C, which is quite memory-unsafe.

Apart from these brands, Mircosoft, Discord, npm, Amazon, Coursera, and many more organizations are using Rust to ensure the smooth performance of their digital products.

Why Choose AIS’s Rust Programmers for Your Successive Rust Project?

AIS Technolabs’ top-tier Rust programmers can bring your software projects to life. These true Rust enthusiasts can craft unparalleled yet customized coding solutions that align with your business goals.

Furthermore, our adept team works to deliver applications on time without compromising on quality. Here’s why choose us-

  • Trusted by good brands worldwide
  • Use Agile procedures and stringent coding practices
  • Get a dedicated project manager for effective communication
  • 12+ years of experience in delivering customized services
  • Bilingual developer works according to your time zone.

So, what are you waiting for? Commence your 15-day risk-free trial today and get a refund if you are not satisfied with the developers work for dedicated projects.


Although there are numerous benefits associated with Rust, such as smart memory management, flexibility, high performance, cross-platform compatibility, and more. It is crucial to use it in the right manner to avoid bugs, errors, and other problems. It would be best if you Hire a Rust Programmer from AIS Technolabs to assist you in obtaining a user-friendly application.


Rust has gained significant attention, and its popularity is rising every year because of its outstanding capabilities, like memory safety and concurrency, predictable performance, cross-platform support, web assembly, and growing community and industry adoption.

You can perform the coding job only if you have enough skills and understanding. Otherwise, it’s always advised to Hire a Rust Programmer to accomplish the task with full efficiency and commitment.

The cost of developing a Rust application can significantly vary based on factors such as the scope and complexity of the project and development timeframe. You can get in touch with us for consultation. We offer transparent services at competitive costs.
CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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