React Native Vs. Ionic: Which Is Better Mobile App Development

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Ionic and React Native are two diverse app development technologies. Since both of them help develop true native applications, it’s important to have a sound knowledge of their features to incorporate maximum functionalities. In this blog, explore a head-to-head comparison between these frameworks and all the necessary details to determine the best fit for your next app development project.
The tech world is overwhelmed with loads of the newest and various coding technologies. Ionic and React Native are two outstanding options for cross-platform app development. But which one do you prefer for your unique project needs? To solve this dilemma, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. You can approach a React Native or an Ionic App Development Company for professional assistance.

What is React Native?

Launched in 2015 by Facebook, React Native is an open-source, cross-platform app development framework that enables you to build native applications utilizing React code. In addition, it has a rich component library that maintains a unique design language for each platform. These cross-platform apps can offer a native feel on both iOS and Android systems.

Characteristics of React Native Framework

  • The framework lessens app development time, effort, and cost as it can be reused across iOS and Android.
  • One can see real-time changes in the app because of virtual DOM support.
  • It ensures easy readability for developers and lets them comprehend and extend code swiftly and efficiently.
  • Within the framework, problems can be fixed rapidly without much effort.
  • In React Native, new updates are rolling by leaps and bounds, making the app better and better and the development procedure more pleasant and practical.

What is an Ionic Framework?

Ionic Framework is a UI toolkit for creating Progressive web and mobile apps utilizing several web technologies, including HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You can deploy Ionic apps on Android and iOS devices using a WebView wrapper. This framework helps save time as you can share the code across all platforms. As Ionic apps are web-first, supporting native features like GPS, camera, etc., requires an additional step of installing plugins. However, it is vital to approach a prominent Ionic app development company to acquire the best outcomes.

Characteristics of Ionic Framework

  • With this framework, developers can create hybrid mobile applications.
  • The apps are developed using Apache Cordova and AngularJS
  • The framework features a command-line interface (CLI) that allows developers to build and test programs for any platform.
  • It has native app development SDKs, allowing coders to make apps for different OS using Cordova.
  • It has a built-in UI kit to ensure a better user experience.

Ionic Vs. React Native: a Head-to-Head Comparison

Let’s dive deeper to understand the comparison between React Native and Ionic based on certain factors. It helps you make a well-informed decision between the two as per your specific project needs.
  • Popularity
    According to Statista 2022, React Native was the second most prevalent app development framework, with 32% of software developers having used it for powerful app creation. Whereas Ionic was the fourth most popular coding framework, with 11% of developers having utilized it for performant application development in 2022.

    As per the reports by Github, React Native received 102K stars and 22K forks, while Ionic received 47K stars and 13.7K forks. So, we can say React Native is far more popular than Ionic and is commonly used worldwide.

    Winner: React Native is a more popular and most used framework than Ionic.
  • Performance
    If you want to achieve a native-like feel and performance, prefer the React Native framework to create an app using JavaScript. It generally uses standard Android and iOS UI controls and offers an abstraction to execute direct control. In addition, extra tasks like animation, video playback, camera, etc., can be included in a React Native app with ease and efficiency. Developers can use component libraries to translate React Native elements to HTML components that will render in your system’s browser.

    Ionic follows a hybrid approach and is perfect for rapid app prototyping. It’s an outstanding framework for creating appealing user interfaces and accelerating development. With this framework, your requirements for native apps can’t be fulfilled, and you could encounter performance issues. Still, if you want to have a native functionality, an additional Cordova plugin is needed.

    Winner: There’s no doubt that React Native offers better performance than Ionic.
  • Technology Stack
    Another parameter is the technology stack. Both React Native and Ionic frameworks follow distinct approaches. This factor ensures your application runs at a fast speed and has a first-rate UX, resulting in more customers and higher ROI.

    To create React Native apps, React is utilized, which is a JavaScript-based UI creation library. Using this technology, developers can build code once and utilize it to power both Android and iOS apps.

    On the other hand, Ionic mobile app development services involve the use of React, Angular, and Vue. Its technology stack is very flexible but needs a Cordova wrapper to use native platform controllers. You can even employ TypeScript to improve the app’s code quality.

    Winner: Here, Ionic is a clear winner as it is a hybrid framework, making applications run smoothly in a native app shell.
  • Updates
    As Ionic follows a web-first approach, apps can benefit from instant updates. Even developers can switch to and fro between new and old Ionic versions. Changes are reflected quickly as soon as the code is updated.

    In React Native, the Microsoft CodePush library provides over-the-air (OTA) updates. Such updates are performed on the device of end users without needing to install a new version. It requires additional setup and is more costly to manage updates.

    Winner: Ionic ensures an easy app update.
  • Third-Party Integration
    In the Ionic framework, you can witness a large library. Developers can easily find plugins like Apache/Cordova, Ionic plugins, Angular modules, etc. In addition, Ionic version 6 features an option for Native APIs, which helps create powerful app experiences.

    On the other hand, React Native includes a plethora of libraries and third-party plugins, but it can be tough to integrate many third-party plugins.

    Winner: Ionic helps build customized modules due to quick integration with multiple 3rd party plugins/ libraries.
  • Community
    React Native framework is greatly supported by a large community to get information, updates, and solutions. Besides, it is used and backed by giant social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, resulting in its increasing popularity and usage.

    Ionic has been rapidly growing, and you can discover plugins for native features. It also has a growing community that can help make your app development procedure easy and seamless.

    Winner: React Native is a well-known framework with a large and growing community.
  • Debugging
    Code debugging is an important comparison factor for React Native and Ionic.

    In React Native, debugging the applications, you can use Chrome developer tools, like Consol.log, or React Native debugger app to debug the applications easily. In addition, editors like Visual Studio for Android apps and XCode for iOS apps can be used if there are more native features.

    In the Ionic framework, you can find special tool sets, like Chrome dev tools, making debugging more effortless for developers.

    Winner: All in all, both can be a perfect choice from a debugging point of view.
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Can We Use Both Frameworks Together?

Yes, developers can use both React Native and Ionic together. This is generally called Ionic React, the official native React version. If you want a business app that is the perfect blend of React functionality and speed, choosing Ionic React could be perfect for app development that aligns with your goals.

Why Choose AIS Technolabs for React Native and Ionic App Development?

At AIS Technolabs, our pre-vetted team has excelled in the React Native and Ionic App Development Services . Their in-depth knowledge and out-of-the-box capabilities empower them to deliver impeccable solutions at budget-friendly prices.

From ideation to app creation, maintenance, and upgrades, we offer end-to-end development services based on your specific requirements. You can trust AIS Technolabs for-

  • Rapid application building
  • Quality and cost effectiveness
  • On-demand scaling facility
  • Client-centric approaches
  • On-time delivery
  • 24/7 support


Both frameworks are the best, so it can be tough to select one over another. However, your decision must depend on the specific project requirements and target audience. This head-to-head comparison may help you choose the right option and power your business with the best technology.

Ionic mobile app development services would be the best choice if you want to develop an application quickly. Whereas if you need a brilliantly productive app with a feature-loaded UI and outstanding user experience, then React Native would be your preferred choice. Get in touch with AIS Technolabs to get your performant application ready to thrive in the online marketplace.


Ans: The choice of the framework ultimately depends on your specific project requirements. If you want quick app development, then Ionic mobile app development services can be the preferred choice. On the other hand, if you need a high-performance app with a high native feel, then React Native would be your first choice.

Ans: React Native is better as it has better capabilities and features to maximize user experience. It is user-friendly, super-fast, and significantly improves user engagement.

Ans: Since there are many app development agencies present out there, choosing the right one can be difficult. You must prepare a detailed job description and post it on various online platforms. Thereafter, carefully screen the candidates for technical skills and capabilities and make an informed decision.

Ans: Yes. Ionic can help deploy applications faster. The framework enables the development of cross-platform apps that will run on iOS, Android, Electron, etc.

Ans: The framework is based on AngularJS, which is a comprehensive language for web-based and mobile app development. It comprises various HTML extensions to deliver quick and optimal solutions.
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Harry Walsh

Technical Innovator

Harry Walsh, a dynamic technical innovator with four years of experience, thrives on pushing the boundaries of technology. His passion for innovation drives him to explore new avenues and create pioneering solutions that address complex technical problems with ingenuity and efficiency. Driven by a love for tackling problems and thinking creatively, he always looks for new and innovative answers to challenges.

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