Node.js Security Tips for Building eCommerce Website

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Node.js Security Tips
Quick Summary
Node.js is a simple and free technology. It supports various platforms like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc. Node.js operates using JavaScript on the server. The technology can generate the page content, handle and control information and server data, and help in developing websites and applications.

Node.js is an open-source cross-platform runtime environment. It is preferable for server-side and networking applications. Node.js technology has an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This model boasts scalability and website performance. In Node.js development applications function on a distributed type of system that provides better availability, scalability, and performance by utilizing non-blocking I/O.

But Node.js is also vulnerable to security threats. Even though the core of Node.js has optimum security, its third-party packages can damage your eCommerce website and applications. For its security, you will have to take specific security measurements to protect your eCommerce website against security threats.

This blog focuses on the possible Node.js security threats and its solutions while
developing an eCommerce website. Read it further to know about it in detail.
Node.js Security Threats

7 Node.js Security Threats and their Solutions

After completing the Node.js development process, you may face security attacks from default cookies, injections, broken access control, etc. You will need to make efforts to keep your website safe from cyber attacks. Here are 7 Node.js potential security threats and their key security practices to protect your website against digital perils.

1. Broken Access Control

Node.js application development projects usually demand a team of managers, developers, administrators, moderators, designers, vendors, etc. With so many users accessing the same server, attackers may find you and take your eCommerce website under their control. To cause harm, they will use two ways- vertical escalation and horizontal escalation.

Through Vertical escalation, the attacker can take the confidential data of the user and access admin-level features. Wherein horizontal escalation occurs when an attacker at the level of a regular user gets access to the administrator-level role or root access.

The attack during Node.js application development is possible due to the open-source library, which supports code execution on any port. If you use it together with the Express framework, it is more likely to be attacked by a third party.

Security Practice

To prevent the attack, the Node.js developer can implement two modes of protection; whitelisting and blacklisting ports. They will enable the user to add specific ports (e.g. 80 and 443) and ban all other ports. Also, restrict access to app resources by default to random users. Only legitimate users should get access.
Code injections

2. Code Injections

Node.js web development is a tricky process. Using codes without injections can lead the eCommerce website to security vulnerabilities. If you are using open-source packages, you may face a code injection attack. The attacker will use input validation flow to put vindictive codes.

Security Practice

Avoid using untested and unsecured codes. Use some tactics against code injection. Prevent using dynamic code in Node.js web development. Codes like language constructs (eval) and code strings can put your eCommerce website at risk. So keep a distance from them. Instead, scan and analysis your website from time to time to secure it from third-party open-source malicious components.

3. Default Cookie Session

A cookie is simply a string of text containing information about the visitor. Cookies may include authentication details, shopping cart information, user preference, and other users’ personal data. Cookies are a special feature of eCommerce websites, so they cannot be kept away from Node.js development. However, opting for the default cookie names can be troublesome because attackers can easily spot them and harm your website or application.

Security Practice

You can use cookie session modules like Express.js. as it assures the safety of your eCommerce website. Express.js. collects information in a cookie called “req”. This “req” cookie contains session information and router handler function data. You can access the value of the req.session from inside other route handlers, templates, and middleware functions. Express.js also creates a cookie called ”res,” which acquires cache responses for future requests. It is safe to use. This practice will save your eCommerce website from default cookie attacks and other security threats.
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4. CSFR (Cross Side Forgery Requests)

Hackers implant malicious HTML codes in emails or chat messages. Once the user clicks on the link, it automatically redirects to the original site and performs unwanted actions without letting anyone know about it. Through CSFR, attackers can get control of accounts’ sensitive activities like user profiles, private data, and transferring funds to another account. It can heck the whole eCommerce website.

Security Practice

Adding Anti-Forgery tokens to links can prevent CSFR attacks. These tokens monitor and validate user authenticity requests. It will restrict unknown users from performing crucial actions on the website. Moreover, they recognize broken or menacing links and stop users from using the eCommerce website.

The best part of anti-forgery tokens is that they are not limited to just POST data (URL). They can be added to GET data (query string parameters) as well to protect against CSRF attacks.
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5. X-Powered-By Header

X-Powered-By header is a type of non-standard HTTP response header. Hackers can use this header to exploit the technology used in a website or application.

Moreover, attackers can use it to target weaknesses in Node.js application development to get the technical information out. It can reveal the coding source files and other technologies used to develop the website.

Security Practice

Prevent attaching the X-Powered-By header on your website. Also, hide important technical information to keep it away from misuse. You can use configuration or helmet technology to remove X-Powered-By header. It will disable the header and stop the attacker from leaking the data.
Weak authentication system

6. Weak Authentication System

A weak and unauthorized authentication system can cause substantial damage to your eCommerce website. You can overcome this security threat by implementing a strong authentication system.

Security Practice

Focus on session processing. In Node.js development, session processing is a crucial security practice that prevents users from sharing their accounts. Apart from it, tools like Firebase Auth, OAuth, and Okta can also help you improve website authentication. You can also implement two-factor authorization for better security.

7. Keep a Limit on Payload Size

It would be easy for attackers to control severs with a minimal number of requests if your website payload is heavy in size. The heavy payload size of eCommerce websites is vulnerable to security threats and can be targeted easily.

Security Practice

To avoid this security hazard, you will have to set a limit on incoming requests or configure express body-parser. After this, your website will accept limited requests. In absence of this practice, your eCommerce website will often crash against large requests, leading to low performance and security attacks.

These 7 practices are effective in keeping your Node.js eCommerce website secure. Tell your hired eCommerce or Node.js app development agency to apply them while executing the development process.

Hire AIS Technolabs to Take Care of your Node.js eCommerce Website Security

AIS Technolabs is a leading Node.js development company. We have successfully helped numerous businesses by handling their eCommerce website security. We provide excellent support and 24/7 monitoring of your project so you can focus on other crucial aspects of your business.

We develop websites using open-source frameworks technology. Our development team uses the latest technology including Node.js Express, Angular.js, MongoDB, and Java. We are passionate about our job as we aim to fulfill your needs to give you an edge over your competitors.

We have a highly skilled team of Node.js programmers and designers who can take care of eCommerce or Node.js application development projects. Just let us know your requirements, and we will get back to you with a solution. For more inquiries, contact our team.


Node.js is a relatively new technology. Daily, it is adopting new changes in technologies, functionalities, and features. Despite the new technology, it can cause significant damage to the Node.js web development process.

Therefore, Node.js website security should be your top priority.
Follow these aforementioned tips to protect your eCommerce website. You can also hire a Node.js web development company to help you with the process.
CEO at AIS Technolabs
Sunny Chawla

CEO at AIS Technolabs

Sunny Chawla is a CEO at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App Design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow. He is having expertise in Digital Marketing, Game Development & Product Development.

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